Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bush Fire Fundraiser


A HUGE THANKYOU to everyone who came along on sun for our fire relief fundraiser, ironically bookings were seriously affected at dinner time due to bushfire threatening the Dandeonongs.
However with your help we were able to raise over $2,000.00 as well as $200.00 in generous cash donations too. Would like to express our great thanks our staff for volunteering to donate their time and also to our kind suppliers who chose to donate product fot the day

Regards the Wild Oak crew.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wild Oak Bushfire Apeal

Wild Oak is donating our entire day’s revenue this Sunday 15th to the bushfire relief fund!

We thank all our great staff for donating their valuable time.

We thank Elmswood Estate, Olinda Cellars & Sedona Estate for their great support

And we thank our valuable customers for helping us help this cause