Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kitchen Capers

Just as a bit of background the White Swan has two levels of kitchens, western downstairs and Asian upstairs, the western kitchens have a full pastry kitchen and bakery, production kitchen, cold kitchen sushi kitchen, grill room kitchen, butchery, fish mongers, vegetable prep kitchen, a la carte kitchen and buffet kitchen. Each one probably about the size of the entire Wild Oak dining room. Then on the next floor the same floor space size is taken up with banks of wok burners huge dumpling steamers and a kitchen dedicated to canton suckling pig charcoal roasters and duck roasting kettles. Oh I would give my right arm to work with these guys for the week they are amazing and the food they produce is off the wall, I sneak up here on occasion just for a taste of duck feet, sunflower chicken the canton roast duck. And OOOH the prawn dumplings mmmmmmmmm. But alas I must return to the Job at hand downstairs training the guys how to grill kangaroo.

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