Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mums scones

So I have flown ½ way around the world from possibly Australia’s capital for Devonshire teas! And the exec sous chef says to me it would be nice to do an Aussie scone with jam and cream on my signature buffet here in China. Well two problems here; scones are from Devon which is in England not to be confused with Mount Dandenong, and I have managed to work for more than fifteen years only cooking one batch of scones “ever”. So quick email to mum and we have the old family scone recipe. Ahh melancholy of Sunday afternoons as a kid. So the locals are wrapped at this new discovery and our French exec sous chef mutters something about the English under his breath as he woofs down some doughy goodness covered in jam. And mum is beside herself that her scone recipe is now of international aclaim… thanks mum!

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